Riversleigh Interpretive Centre


Riversleigh is a fossil site a couple of hundred kilometres from Mount Isa on the Gregory River. The river is spring fed, very carbonate-rich and has provided ideal conditions for fossilisation over a very long time.

There are many discrete fossil sites at Riversleigh, Jean counted more than 50 listed in the display. Specimens were laid down at different times. Some form a continuous record from 25 to 15 million years ago, some are from about 2 million years ago and some from 20 thousand years ago.

The sites contain an enormous numbers of species, both extinct and extant, and provides the most complete description of the evolution of marsupials ever found. It is such an important site that it is now World Heritage listed.

The displays at the Centre are informative, and interesting and there are lots of real fossils to look at.

The best thing is the laboratory which was added a couple of years ago. It is a real working laboratory processing some of the rocks recovered from the Riversleigh for the researchers from the University of Queensland, the University of New South Wales and the Australian Museum. With the help of a knowledgeable guide, it provides an opportunity to get a good understanding of the work of paleontologists.

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Created by Robin Chalmers on 15.09.2000 and last revised 15.09.2000