Prime Ordinal Day: The aftermath

Someone somewhere has compiled an extensive list of precisely what turns me on, and has sold this highly personal information to Calvin Klein's advertising agency, to the publishers of Colors and to Luc Besson, director of The Fifth Element.

I have to believe this because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate. I am a human being; I am not a demographic.

While we're on primes, it's probably worth noting that a quantum computer recently calculated the prime factors of 15.

The implications are stunning, particularly in the field of public and private key cryptography. Imagine: I could encrypt a message string by multiplying the numerical equivalent by three. To decrypt it, you'd have to find the other prime factor of 15 - something it would take a quantum computer to calculate!

Seriously, though, I like quantum computers, and not only because they recall Douglas Adams in their emphasis on hot caffeinated beverages. I am reliably informed that they suffer from something called the coherence problem. Simply put, since the quantum state of any particle is affected by everything else in the universe, quantum computers tend to become incoherent. Boy, can I relate to that.

Friday May 16, 1997.
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