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Dubbo, NSW

Wed 6 - Sat 9 Oct 1999

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Wednesday 6th

The Apple Centre in Dubbo is the oldest in Australia and has been going for 20 years! The owner is a very nice guy and we eventually agreed to put a screen on order with the intention of my returning to Dubbo when it arrives or him sending it to the nearest Apple Centre if that is more convenient. He also promised to keep me posted with news of the shipment.

We chatted about second hand Powerbooks but he can't keep any he gets more than half a day.

He has some problems with iBooks as well. The delivery date has been put back yet again and his orders are competing with the 140,000 on order Australia wide.

Thursday 7th

I visited Telstra to talk about CDMA phones. They have five dual mode devices available, Motorola StarTAC ST7760, Motorola SC3160, LG LGC-330W, Hyundai HGC-120E and Qualcomm QCP860. The Qualcomm is fax/data capable but information about the specs are not available except from Qualcomm so I plan to surf the Qualcomm web site for info.

I tried to beg a connection for my modem at the library and at the Tourist Info Centre but this is a CITY and I didn't find the response I usually get in the country. I went to the Caravan Park office but their phone is through the Council system and I didn't get through. I'll try again somewhere tomorrow. I need to update the web site as I have developed a web site for the Highway Wanderers and I plan to put that up as part of my site to seek some comments.

Friday 8th

Went to town again to pick up some photos and to talk to Telstra. They let me use one of their telephone lines to try to get onto Ozemail. I don't know what went wrong but I failed altogether. I tried to ring tech support but they had a queue and I was on my mobile. I rang Bigman to see if he had a magic way in to Ozemail but he sacked them 6 months ago. He did suggest I use terminal screen login to diagnose the problem! Why didn't I think of that.

Saturday 9th

Laundry day

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Created by Robin Chalmers on 8 Oct 1999 and last revised 09.01.2002